
What a beautiful day here in San Diego to be honoring the earth and earth’s medicine.  It truly feels like spring here and there is an abundance of nasturtiums and New Zealand Spinach growing wildly in our backyard.  The calendula planted last year is also blooming beautifully right now. I just love this time of year when everything is beginning to wake up. Wild-harvesting greens becomes so possible here in San Diego, that I can just get them all from my backyard.  What a gift.

It’s been a while since I have communicated on this platform and so I figured I would start with an update of where I’m at and share my exciting intentions with how I plan to utilize this space moving forward.  

I have been going through a deep personal transformation, mainly via the training that I have been diving into.  The transformation has provided me with the “Self” that I have been searching for, the one that felt lost after childhood and the one that I’ve been longing for since this feeling of loss.  I am beyond grateful to be in the position I am in both within myself and my ability to offer this methodology to others with the hope to provide what I have been experiencing.  An embodiment of my essence.  A return to my Soul.  

I have been studying Applied Shamanism through the Sacred Stream and am currently an Applied Shamanic Counselor and Depth Hypnotherapist through this school.  These tools that I have gained integrate many ancient healing modalities, including Buddhism, Shamanism, and Energy Medicine as well as Transpersonal Psychology and Hypnosis. They are weaved into a beautifully cohesive manner to elicit transformation on the levels that many other modalities can’t seem to touch.  In all of my years of consistent training in other healing methods, I haven’t found anything like this one and now that I can provide this tool to others, I am beyond excited to assist in this process with those who are seeking deep transformation.

My intention with this platform is to go more in depth about what I am recently certified in, share free material about herbs, meditations and other fun things, inspirational readings, personal stories, updates about my business offerings and anything else that I feel might be supportive or beneficial to all of you within this community that has been building throughout the years.

I am so excited for this next chapter of life, with these tools to help alleviate suffering of others and to bring together more community through connection to the earth, the healing gifts of plants and ancient medicinal pathways.

I look forward to providing you with what feels prevalent in the moment and I hope to continue to deepen in the connection amongst this community as much as possible along the way.  Thank you for being in my circle and don’t hesitate to share these posts with anyone you think would benefit; there’s always space for more. 

Please feel free to send me an email with questions / comments / insights, I would love to hear from you and will respond as soon as I can.

I look forward to hearing from you and keeping in touch.

Many blessings on your journey and plant path,


An updated list of my offerings is: Applied Shamanic Counseling, Depth Hypnosis, Integrated Energy Medicine, Intuitive Readings, Holistic Health Guidance, Herbal Support, Private and Group Ceremony and Plant Medicine Preparation and Integration.  If any of these sound of interest to you, I offer a free 20-minute consultation to see if I can be supportive for your needs or if we are the right fit to work together.


Dandelions : to eat or to weed